What has happened to squash
dalep wrote:
> The last few years the Acorn squash have been terrible. No color and
> no flavor. This fall I bought some "locally grown organic" and it
> still had no flavor.
> So this week I bought a Butternut squash and it had no flavor
> whatsoever. My DH commented that it is time to give up on winter
> squash. Sadly, I agree. Plus, they are not cheap anymore. Acorn
> squash was on of my favorites until the last few years. I never see
> Hubbard or Banana squash anymore.
> Are the squash just bred for shipping and shelf life and have the
> flavor bred out of them? Are they GMO? Many fresh items are bred
> for shipping and shelf life and have no flavor or nutrition.
> Watermelon are no good anymore. The farmer's market things in the
> summer are not a lot better.
> Oh well!
> DaleP
I grew banana squash in my garden this year. One plant, I got 5 huge
squash and 2 little ones. I've eaten half of one of the big ones so
far; good thing they keep for a *long* time.