Well, that was a turnoff
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external usenet poster
Posts: 23,520
Well, that was a turnoff
> Animal hoarding is ghastly - they have just rescued 69 cats here off
> an elderly man - vet bills estimated at $26,000 to fix them up for
> adoption. Many need dental work due to poor diets etc
I don't
> understand why people do it, I think it has little to do with
> sheltering the animals and much to do with some psychological
> aberration.
Years ago when I was looking for a new ferret, the city here raided a
ferret shelter (that I didn't know about). There was about 89 live
ones. The city killed all but about 14 within hours. No attempt to
heal the sick ones. The SPCA won't accept them. Animal shelter
wouldn't accept them. Both were only for dogs and cats. It was a
ferret holocaust. They killed them all before any group could
I wrote an immediate email to PETA (headquarters in my area) and they
never tried to stop this. They never even responded to my email except
to add me to their mailing list which asks for donations constantly.
Screw them. They don't care about animals, they just live nicely off
of the donations while pretending to care about animals.
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