Gary wrote:
> John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 2:00:32 PM UTC-6, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 2:33:52 PM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
>>>> Bet you won't be saying that about your cheap Chinese JUNK 60 to 70 years from now!! :-(
>>>> John Kuthe...
>>> Um, John? Most of us will be dead 60-70 years from now. We won't
>>> be saying anything at all.
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> Um Cindy? That's the kind of "It's all about ME! ME! ME!" infantile egocentricity that dug U.S. into this hole!! You just don't seem to get it.
>> John Kuthe...
> John. The Chinese are going to win eventually. Perhaps you should
> start talking nice about them now. 
He's servile to his Chicom landlord, does that count?