Sugar free cereal
"l not -l" > wrote in message
> On 12-Jan-2016, Gary > wrote:
>> Michelle wrote:
>> >
>> > On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 2:46:01 PM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
>> > Snipped a whole bunch of stuff.
>> > >
>> > > Another thing that the OP might consider is popcorn. It is often
>> > > eaten as a
>> > > cereal in the Midwest. My mom liked to put it in a tall glass, pour
>> > > milk
>> > > over it and eat it with an iced tea spoon. My uncle said at his
>> > > house
>> > > they
>> > > just used leftover popped popcorn as they would a breakfast cereal.
>> > > Put in
>> > > a bowl and pour milk over.
>> >
>> > You've said this before, but I wonder - was it just your family?
>> > Or maybe your specific place in the Midwest (AKA Wichita)?
>> > Because I've lived in the Midwest all my life (first Illinois, now
>> > Missouri)
>> > and I have never heard of this or seen anyone do it.
>> >
>> > I've asked coworkers who come from other parts (Iowa, Indiana, Kansas)
>> > and they've never heard of it either.
>> This is Julie saying this. I've never ever heard of such a weird thing
>> in my life. Put popcorn in a tall glass, pour milk over it and eat it
>> with a spoon? Yeah right. lol
> I have heard of it; but, never done or it. I think it is one of those
> things that just happens sometimes and a few people find they like it -
> like
> cold pizza for breakfast. I have known one person who ate leftover
> popcorn
> for breakfast; dumped it in a bowl, added sugar and milk and ate it like
> Corn Pops or Puffed Rice. Others, including me, would find it weird; but,
> my grandmother loved leftover cornbread (southern, no sugar) crumbled in a
> glass with buttermilk for breakfast. Different strokes...
I love popcorn but in general, it has to be hot and fresh. I once had
people over so had to make a very large amount. I kept it in my turkey
roaster in a slightly warm oven. They thought it was freshly popped but I
had popped it over an hour prior. And I once had someone serve me some of
the stuff that you buy on the chip aisle of the grocery store. I was amazed
that it tasted good. I wouldn't think that it would.
The cold pizza though... That is the only way that my daughter and I like
it. It's okay slightly warm. But we don't like it hot.