"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 9:10:19 PM UTC-6, Xeno wrote:
> On 13/01/2016 1:06 PM, wrote:
> > I've eaten popcorn with milk on it and it did taste like cereal.
> >
> Not surprising since the common ingredient (corn) is also a very popular
> breakfast cereal.
> --
> Xeno
Or potatoes. One time on a float trip my young son Zach woke up nice and
early, and I was slowly coming to consciousness after Fri night's partying.
Zach said he was hungry so I told him to eat some of ther potato chips out
from the party. Anoher young buy of a family we were on the float trip with
asked his mom if he could have potato chips for breakfast and she goit kinda
disgusted and said something like "No you're going to eat a real breakfast!"
and I felt like sayinhg "Lady, wound you be any happier if I sliced those
potatoes up and fried them and called them hash browns?"
John Kuthe...
Years ago I was looking through freebies online. One was for E.D. soup from
Canada. They went to to say that I wouldn't want to feed my family cheap
soup, would I? And how their soup was good for my family. The sample
wasn't entirely free to me as I had to pay shipping. And while it did taste
good for dehydrated soup, it was not what I would call wholesome. Full of
chemicals and crap. From what I have seen, it is no longer being sold for
home use and only for restaurants.