"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Ophelia wrote:
>> "Yes, it makes a decent cushion so long as I don't have to look at it,
>> but
>> as you can see, I have far more important things to do ..."
>> http://i68.tinypic.com/2pt6xs4.jpg
> You *do* realize that a polar bear will eat a dog, right? lol
> Not sure about teddy polar bears though. ;-)
<g> She has turned around the other way now but she is still ignoring
> Anyway, thanks for the pictures. She looks like a very nice doggie.
> Interesting how her face is black and white but her eyelids are brown.
Yes, she is a tricolour

Before she put on weight I was convinced she was a
cross collie/whippet. Look at those legs. They are not so obvious now but
none of my Collies have had such long legs
> Very cute and obviously so much happier now that you've got her.

) She has changed a LOT in the time we have had her
> Good save, Ophelia! :-D
We think so

btw I am beginning to think you are right, about us being the
only playmates she is interested in, but I guess we shall see