On 15 Jan 2016 18:52:22 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>Apparently, there's a new wave of Winblows computer scammers washing
>For the very first time, I gotta Indian support droid calling me on
>my phone to tell me their organization has been receiving security
>alerts from my desktop computer.
>Oh really!? And "jes what operating system am I currently using", I
>smirkingly enquired. "Windows", was his reply. I gleefully informed
>this escapee from the Short Circuit voice-over casting stable, I
>haven't even owned a Windows computer in over a decade.
>He hung up w/o uttering another word.
I love having my Speakerphone near the computer and kitchen.
I periodically get those calls, usually from 'Microsoft Security'.
The callers are always African in my case. If I'm not busy or too
preoccupied with anything, I'll string them along for as long as
possible. They really, *really* hate having their time wasted.
One I'll never forget, I'd strung him along for about 25 minutes, and
when I told him what I was doing, he stayed on the phone for a further
15 minutes trying to upset me. Being a Usenet veteran, he wasn't even
remotely close to being in my league... <G>. He especially got upset
when I compared my lifestyle to his, being stuck in some dingy cubicle
in some shit hole shanty town trying to scam a few dollars. He was
trying *so* hard to upset me, mainly to do with how my mother and
sisters were whores... that sort of thing
Another one told to please wait whilst she transferred me to some guy
whose job apparently was to dish out the insults
>Please, do not fall for this ruse. You computer will NOT send
>security alerts to a third party, no matter which operating system
>(OS) you use.
We also have been getting a scam involving the ATO (Aus Tax Office).
These ones are extra funny, because their African accents are so heavy
and yet their names are always extremely generic Anglo-Saxon
Australian names.