"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 4:22:58 PM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
> I'll spare you all of the details but they were going to send me home
> after
> the surgery and we had to beg them not to. I was very ill and couldn't
> even
> stand up! Oddly enough I am boiling hot, but no fever. I would think
> since
> I am not on the thyroid med, I would be cold. And wearing the jammies
> with
> the fuzzy top was a bad move. I have fuzz stuck to the wound. But I can
> shower with plain water later. I'm going to finish eating these ice chips
> then go to bed with an ice pack. Fun times! Hard to talk and eat but
> I'll
> make it.
Hospitals and other medical/surgical places are the most expensive real
estate out there! No more "admitted the night before surgery and then stay
there days after", not anymore. Much more money to be made by kicking YOU
out ASAP and get the next poor sot in there whose FOR PROFIT INSURANCE will
John Kuthe...
At 3,000.00 a night on average they have every incentive to keep you there
and run more tests. People really do heal better at home. I know a few
nurses and they tell me that is why they send you home as soon as they think
you are stable and can take care of yourself.
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