I'm home!
On 2016-01-15 5:03 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
> At 3,000.00 a night on average they have every incentive to keep you there
> and run more tests. People really do heal better at home. I know a few
> nurses and they tell me that is why they send you home as soon as they think
> you are stable and can take care of yourself.
The cost for a bed in a hospital here is about $1000 per night, a little
more for private or semi private.
Most surgical procedures these days are much less invasive than they
used to be so there is less need for post-operative care and
hospitalization. A lot of it is done laparoscopy and as day surgery.
When my father had his gall bladder removed in the early 1960s he had an
incision that was more than a foot long and had a drain tube and was in
the hospital for two weeks. We were not allowed to see him for the first
week. When my wife had her gall bladder removed a few years ago she was
there for 7 am and I picked her up and brought her home at 1:30. I was
not quite that lucky. My gall stone was huge and the gall bladder in bad
shape and I was kept in for three days post-op. Even heart surgery, as
invasive as it is, usually sees patients realized after just a few days.
Who even wants to be in a hospital for any amount of time? Those places
are full of sick people and their germs. One of the reasons I waited so
long to go to the hospital with my gall bladder problem was that I was
feeling pretty sick. I didn't want to to the the ER in tat condition and
to be exposed to all those sick people. There are a number of super
bugs that linger in hospitals. I went through a C-dificile scare after
my gall bladder surgery.