> wrote in message
> On 1/16/2016 9:40 AM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> Detroit and Flint, maybe..
>>> >
>> Republican governance
> L_I_A_R!
> http://www.cbsnews.com/news/kwame-ki...or-corruption/
> Kilpatrick, a Democrat, quit office in 2008 in a different scandal that
> was extraordinary at the time but seems smaller compared with the sweeping
> federal probe that has led to the convictions of more than 30 people.
> Sexually explicit text messages revealed that Kilpatrick had lied during a
> trial to cover up an affair with his top aide, Christine Beatty, and to
> hide the reasons for demoting or firing police officers who suspected
> wrongdoing at city hall.
Did Kilpatrick poison 100,000 people and leave the children of his city to
live lives destroyed by lead poisoning? Did he sell the water pipeline to
one of his Wall street buddy's who now leases it back to the city for a
fortune? Did he appoint emergency managers to strip the citizens of their
elected government? Did he cut taxes so deeply for his wealthy friends
that Michigan was forced to close dozens of schools for poor kids? Did he
allow those EMs to sell off public assets to his Wall Street cronies? Did
he turn a poor town's public beach into a golf course for the rich with
5,000.00 a year member fees? DId Kilpatrick do something so heinous that he
had to apply for disaster relief from the federal government? Do you know
Snyder's past? Sorry toots Flint is how the Koch brothers and their ilk
want to run the country. We have corruption and we have C O R R U P T I O
**** you for calling me a liar - bitch. Dig your head out of your ass and
have a look at what is going on. You belong to a political party that
represents 2% of the country, does not even believe in the concept of
government but has you brainwashed into believing they somehow know
something about governing.
I'll have this argument with you but I will eat you alive you better believe
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