Thread: Newbie question
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Charles Perry
Posts: n/a

williamwaller wrote:

> I choose M. Poilane. But truth be told... I would be just as satisfied with
> your bread, Charles.

Very nice of you to say that , Will. I am almost never satisfied
with my own bread. You would have to hope for a good day.

> True enough. Nancy's method of developing a starter from scratch is the most
> complicated I have read. But if you consulted DickA for enzymatic issues
> RoyB would be insulted.

I don't know. Somehow from the posts that I have read over the
years, I formed the impression that Roy was expert in commercial
production systems and that Dick had some specialization with
enzymes. They will have to speak for themselves. I just picked
a couple of names to illustrate a point of discussion. No
offence meant to experts not mentioned.



Charles Perry
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** A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand **