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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Sheldon, Chuck roast or sirloin tip ground?

Sheldon, this is an area you do really well in. I see chuck roast and
sirloin tip at 3.99lb. I need some lower fat meats to grind for the
fellow I am feeding 7 meals a week to. Found out he's got heart issues
(not that he's objected to anything I deliver). I need a lower fat

Will these grind well enough to be used for a ground beef that I can
make into a home scratch version of a sort of 'hamburger helper' with a
low sodium tomato type base over pasta?

I've never ground anything that low fat for burger sorts of meat or if
I did, I added fat as grinding. I'm not trying to make a flavorful
burger, just a basic roughly like this:

28oz low sodium tomato sauce
16oz low sodium diced tomatos
Spices (no salt added, basic italian sort of mix or may go a sort of
chile powder mix with added onions)
chopped mushrooms

Add drained ground beef to sauce once ready. Simmer a bit to mix then
portion out over cooked pasta and freeze with veggies in trays.

The base recipe works but does that meat work well enough for grinding
for it?

I need to cut down on the lamb shoulder I suspect so looking for lower
fat alternatives and frankly, chicken gets pretty nasty if cooked then
frozen, then microwaved.
