Thread: Thickeners -
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Default Thickeners -

In article >,
Bob Pastorio > wrote:

> Kajikit wrote:
> > Melba's Jammin' saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told
> > us all about it on Mon, 17 Nov 2003 22:19:57 -0600:
> >
> >
> >>In article >,
> (PENMART01) wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>>>Arrowroot is generally at least twice the price of cornstarch and
> >>>>>from my one time order from Penzeys I would not buy it again,
> >>
> >>(snip)
> >>
> >>>>Thanks, Sheldon. I'll buy a smidgen (a couple tablespoons) at my
> >>>>food co-op to try it out.
> >>>
> >>>Let us know what you think of it.
> >>
> >>I will.

> >
> > Arrowroot is supposed to have a much less noticeable taste than
> > cornstarch (especially since cornflour/cornstarch is often made out of
> > finely ground WHEAT flour nowadays instead of being made from corn.)

> It would be absolutely illegal in the US to market wheat as corn.
> Cornstarch here is absolutely made from corn.
> I can't imagine that any reliable supplier would package wheat as corn
> given the sheer numbers of people who are sensitive to gluten and
> other fractions of wheat.

Tell me about it. :/

"Cornflour" made of wheat is sold in New Zealand as "wheaten cornflour"
most of the time. I make sure to buy the one that says "Gluten free" on
the box, though.


If you want to end war and stuff you got to sing loud.
-- Arlo Guthrie, "Alice's Restaurant"