Thread: Warming dishes
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Warming dishes

"graham" > wrote in message
> On 28/01/2016 8:36 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "graham" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 28/01/2016 1:41 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Wed, 27 Jan 2016 09:27:29 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>>> news >>>>>> > On Tue, 26 Jan 2016 10:43:09 -0700, cibola de oro >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>> >> > I have instant hot water, none is wasted here.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> You brag like the spoiled rich bitch who went to Swiss boarding
>>>>>> >> school,
>>>>>> >> you risible ****.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > She should preface her just use "hot water" puffery with the fact
>>>>>> > that
>>>>>> > the suggestion only works for water wasters and those with an
>>>>>> instant
>>>>>> > hot water dispenser.
>>>>>> Why is it puffery??? Is an instant water heater so unusual in the
>>>>>> US???
>>>>> Yes.
>>>> It is odd. I always though USA was far ahead of us technologically yet
>>>> in
>>>> many things, you are far behind. I don't understand it! As for
>>>> simple
>>>> instant water heaters, we had them in the 50s.
>>> I recently replaced my water heater with a conventional 40 gallon one.
>>> Gas
>>> fired. Instant ones have been promoted here for a couple of years or so
>>> but it wasn't feasible for my house. Mini, under the kitchen sink
>>> heaters
>>> are often in up-market houses and have been for over 20 years.

>> Do they run the central heating too?

> The overwhelming majority of houses here have forced air heating. There
> are rare cases of water heating, usually sub-floor. In fact, my son built
> a house last year (for which the contractor still owes him a few grand)
> which
> has sub-floor heating. Others he has built even have some sub-floor
> cooling for wine storage.
> Water heating is more economical to run but we have wild swings in
> temperature here in the winter and if it warms up outside, the heating
> can't respond due to the heat sink.
> There is a chinook blowing today so the temp is above freezing. However,
> if the Arctic Front moves south, overnight temps can drop below -20C (as
> it did a couple of weeks ago) or even below -30C, which we haven't
> suffered for a couple of winters.

I was surprised to read that. You are a scientist so I guess you feel that
is good for that country. If you were in UK would you not look at a much
cheaper and more effective alternative?

We have another storm (Gertrude) blowing already and it is bloody cold
