Thread: Warming dishes
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Warming dishes

Sqwertz wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Your kind of house heating wouldn't work here, we'd freeze our asses
>> off. Most winter mornings I wake up to -20ºF, very often for weeks at
>> a time the night time temperatures dive to -40ºF.

>And that has been proven to be exaggerated bullshit by the weather
>almanac for Albany, New York.
>Just another old fart's drunken tales.

I don't live in Albany, I'm about an hour's drive southwest and at an
elevation more than 2,000 feet higher. Albany is right at the
junction of the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, close to sea level. We only
a short while ago went through how elevation and mountain side shadows
affect temperatures... the north face of mountains can be 20ºF colder
than the south face. I'm not far from Windham Mountain, it's
typically 15ºF colder yet on that mountain at the ski lodge than where
I am... this is their worst year for skiing in a long time, no snow
here yet and days are warm enough to melt their blown snow.
Engage dwarfish brain before typing.