Today's my birthday and . . .
Today is my birthday.
My husband took the truck into the Ford dealer first thing. We'd had
the truck in for a repair 10 days ago and the truck was leaking some
oil. They'd had to put a oil filter relocation kit in and had
simply neglected to put a clamp around the hose. As they lifted it up
on the hoist, they punched through the forward gas tank with the lift!
So what would have been a few minutes to fix is now looking to be
anywhere from a couple days to a week or more.
They sent my husband home in a rental car.
There is no charge for the car, a new gas tank, and a clamp for the
oil hose. No charge for anything and a good thing too.
I wish I had been there, I'm just bubbling with stuff to say.
So, we are still going out to eat tonight.
Janet US