Today's my birthday and . . .
On 2016-02-01 4:33 PM, Je�us wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 15:48:16 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> It seems his son did something wrong and it didn't take very long for
>> the oil to run out and destroy the engine. The took it to a local
>> garage where there was a truck the same make, model and year and the
>> same engine, but the body was kaput, so they are going to swap out the
>> engines. For some reason it it going to take a long time. It seems that
>> you have to take your time and to things right.
> It could only be either the oil filter or drain plug left loose to
> cause that. It's a wonder the engine or oil light didn't come on well
> before any serious damage occurred?
Yep. One or the other. I don't know if he left them loose and they
worked their way loose or if he overtightened the oil plug and stripped
it. If it was a loose drain plug and fell out on the road it would not
take long for the oil to drain out. I guess it was a good lesson too
late about pulling over immediately when the oil light comes on...
especially so soon after an oil change. Once the oil is gone serious
damage occurs within seconds.