On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 19:07:55 -0800 (PST), John Kuthe
> wrote:
>I had a guy from:
>come out and replace the windshield in Baby, my now diseased 1994 Dodge Caravan. It never rattled or leaked ever, and was the best replacement windshield I could ever imagine! He drove to my work site, replaced the windshield, came to the door, I paid him and viola! I had a new windshield!!
Windscreens aren't all that difficult. The most time consuming part of
the job is cleaning up the mess from the old one. The only tool you
need is a piece of rope with the older windscreens with a rubber
surround. Oh, and you need a second person to help...
Did one in my Hilux and it's perfectly sealed.
My Subaru is the newer type that sits in the frame with 'sticky goop',
they look to be just as easy. I had one in the Subaru replaced by my
insurance company, I almost couldn't believe it when they actually
came all the way out to my place to do the job.