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Sky[_2_] Sky[_2_] is offline
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Default Chicken and wild rice soup

On 2/1/2016 8:50 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> It's what's for dinner and boy does it smell good! I actually found
> some canned wild rice online at Walmart and yes, I bought a case. It
> came highly rated. I actually haven't had to use it yet. I figured I
> would save it for some time when I was too sick or weak or whatever or
> really needed a fast meal. I am using the black colored kind that comes
> dried and takes close to an hour to cook. I just finished off the bag.
> It's good. I've had it before. I think I have another 10 minutes or so
> before I can dish it up but my does it smell good!

"Canned" wild rice?? "dried" wild rice? Why the heck would anything
dried be canned? "Black colored" wild rice ??? What other sort of "wild
rice" is there other than "black" ? As usual - bovie is clueless.

Sky <-- who has several pounds of (dried) "wild rice" in her pantry! and
not in any cans!

Kitchen Rule #1 - Use the timer!
Kitchen Rule #2 - Cook's choice!