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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Chicken and wild rice soup

On Tue, 2 Feb 2016 21:54:38 -0600, Sky > wrote:

>On 2/1/2016 8:50 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> It's what's for dinner and boy does it smell good! I actually found
>> some canned wild rice online at Walmart and yes, I bought a case. It
>> came highly rated. I actually haven't had to use it yet. I figured I
>> would save it for some time when I was too sick or weak or whatever or
>> really needed a fast meal. I am using the black colored kind that comes
>> dried and takes close to an hour to cook. I just finished off the bag.
>> It's good. I've had it before. I think I have another 10 minutes or so
>> before I can dish it up but my does it smell good!

>"Canned" wild rice?? "dried" wild rice? Why the heck would anything
>dried be canned? "Black colored" wild rice ??? What other sort of "wild
>rice" is there other than "black" ? As usual - bovie is clueless.
>Sky <-- who has several pounds of (dried) "wild rice" in her pantry! and
>not in any cans!

Progresso soups are on sale this week, five cans/$4.
I bought this:
And this:
Also got Rich & Hearty Chicken Pot Pie, Rich & Hearty Vegetable Pot
Roast, and Rich & Hearty New England Clam Chowder. The regular price
is more than $2 per can so I'll only buy some on sale... they're not
bad but are a bit bland, needs s n'p, and they're too heavy handed on
the potatoes... the potatoes are large flat rectangles (they look like
old fashioned toilet tiles, not very appetizing) and I don't really
care for their texture so I save calories by tossing them out for the
critters. They are fairly low calorie and with their pop top lid they
are handy when I get the munchies around mid afternoon, no cooking,
just nuke. Without the potatoes there's a bit less than two cups per
can and less than 100 calories per cup. I can have my own homemade
soup but those are all frozen in one quart containers, too much for
one and I'd need to defrost them. I hadn't bought any canned soups
for many years, not until I tried the Progresso, but I'd only buy it
on sale, they are not worth the regular $2.29 price, then I'd rather a
packet of ramen, doctored with a handful of frozen mixed vegetables
and/or any LOs I find in the fridge.