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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Chicken and wild rice soup

On 2016-02-04 11:52 AM, jmcquown wrote:

> I would absolutely refuse to cook two or three different meals in one
> day on the off chance they might like something. (She mentioned mac &
> cheese with kielbasa, which HE refused to eat, and something else and
> something else which her daughter wouldn't eat)

Bovine's cheering section are a little challenged themselves and they
live in a world of denial about the woman's mental issues. Don't be too
quick to believe anything she says about them because has a history of
lying about things. Some time back she wrote about the frustration of
having her husband stopping to eat at restaurants on the way home. I
can't say I would blame him, but when that story was brought up she
denied having written it. Then there is the question of her claiming
to be a writer, claiming not to be a writer, claiming she never said
that she was a writer, then saying she didn't remember saying she had
been a writer. There are credibility issues.
> Nope, I'm not running a cafeteria. Fix something for yourself.

That would be the attitude of a sane person.

> I'm actually a very happy person. I simply don't have any tolerance for
> someone who constantly plays the martyr. Oh dear, what can the matter be?

Yep, and it doesn't help much if most or all of the story is a fabrication.