"sf" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 5 Feb 2016 14:41:30 -0000, Janet > wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>> >
>> >
>> > No Dave. *You* have credibility issues. That most assuredly is *not*
>> > what
>> > I said. My husband never had a period of time where he stopped at
>> > restaurants on his way home.
>> Then you lied about him, here on rfc.
> I remember something about him eating before he got home. Maybe he
> stopped at KFC.
He stopped for Pho. That stop happened once. Once.
I don't know why you would mention KFC. There isn't one around here and in
the entire 20 years we have been married, we have only had food from there
twice. In once instance, we were to meet his cousin for golf in the parking
lot of the KFC. We got there early and it was hot outside. We went in and
got drinks. I don't think we ate there. And I got it once in Alameda
because I thought that my parents liked the food. They did not.
I think there were other times when he went out with some people at work or
stayed late and did not bother to tell me that he was doing this. So I made
dinner and he wasn't here to eat it but that was years ago. Last night he
didn't bother to tell me that he was out on a ship so didn't come home when
I expected him to but he did eat dinner here.
>> >
> <snip>
>> > Now let me see... We have been here for about 11.5 years now. Here
>> being in
>> > this house in Bothell. My husband has retired from the military since
>> > we
>> > moved back here and has held a total of 7 different jobs,
>> Pretty amazing; according to YOUR posts here, he retired from the
>> military because of disability and still is disabled.
> Maybe he is disabled and maybe he found jobs where the disability
> isn't an issue. Carol S is retired and has a disability/bad back, but
> she also has a job. I don't know what he did in the service, but
> Seattle is a tech hub so it's shouldn't be too hard to find an office
> job punching a keyboard if he's qualified. He was working back East
> for a while, so 7 different jobs in (let's say) 10 years is a good
> indication that he's probably not very easy to work with.
He is considered disabled through the military which is not the same thing
as SSDI. Prior to retirement they are given a physical and this determines
how much money they will get per month based on whatever maladies might be
there. Part of his disability is hearing loss and that was directly related
to his job in the military. He did radar in the service, among other things
and that is what he was recently doing. Same job as before but as a
civilian. Now it is something different. It involves teaching but I don't
know exactly what.
The only reason he had 7 different jobs is because he was bettering himself
each time. One job was a poorly paying part time one but it was the only
job he could find in this area. Jobs are hard to come by here. And he
needed something after he retired because the VA was muchly delayed in
paying him the money he owed him. While still in the military, he moved to
Petaluma while Angela and I remained here. We own this house and we didn't
want to move back to CA. He was working at a school there.
After the poorly paying job, he moved to NY. It was the job that he wanted.
Just not the location. There he hooked up with the marine company that
allowed him to move back here. They needed someone that was familiar with
the waterways here, in TX, CA and NY. He did like the job but it was very
stressful and he really had no time off. He was on call 24/7 all the time,
even at home. But it did allow him to live here.
He knew there would be an opening where he used to work. He just had to
wait until someone died or retired. And then that happened and he got that
job. And I won't get into all of this but in the military, even in the
various civilian jobs there are different pay scales. To dumb this down,
this job was at a lower level and he was seeking a higher one. Which I
think he now has but it is doing a different thing which is teaching.
You are making it sound like he got fired or something. He didn't. He was
in the military for 30 years and when you are in the military, you are
required to move and you don't necessarily have a choice as to what job they
give you. You just do as you are told.