Chocolate cake splitting when cooling
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Diane W. Saunders
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Chocolate cake splitting when cooling
(Roy Basan) wrote in message . com>...
(Diane W. Saunders) wrote in message om>...
> > For the past two days I have been baking chocolate cakes and after
> > baking and removing from pan (after cooling) they are splitting on the
> > bottom - not just small cracks but very large crevices -- any idea as
> > to why this is happening?? Again, any and all responses greatly
> > appreciated.
> First it has something to do with your formula balance and that will
> be aggravated later by other factors when preparing your cake i.e such
> as mixing, baking conditions, pan size to batter weight ratio.
> Another factor is excessive tapping of pans during depanning can
> contribute to formation of fissures. Chocolate cakes due to the
> presence of cocoa or chocolate solides are weaker if compared to
> related cakes made with 100% flour.
> A slight crack will be enlarged as the cake cools further.
> If you would mind you can show the recipe and the details how you
> made it so that the group could provide more ideas about the real
> cause of your cake fault.
Okay -- here goes --
3 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 1/2 cup cocoa, 2 teas baking soda, 1/2
teas. salt, 2 cups water, 1/2 cup plus 2 tables. vegtable oil, 2 teas
Preheat oven to 350 - spray 2 9 inch cake pans - in large bowl
combine flour, sugar, cocoa, bakikng soda and salt - set aside.
In small bowl combine water, vegetable oil and vanilla. Add contents
of small bowl to large mixing bowl stirring with spoon to combin.
Bake for 25 - 30 minutes --
That's it -- thank you again.
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