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previously, in rfc, wrote:

> I almost always grill Salmon when I grill fish. Sometimes Tuna, but
> not often.
> What other kinds of fish are good on the grill?
> I like salmon because I can get nice thick fillets, and cook them so
> they are nice and crispy golden brown on the outside, while still
> being very moist and tender inside. No doubt this is due to the high
> fat content.
> What else do you guys suggest?

I've been grilling a lot of bluefish this summer. It's my new favorite
fish. It's always moist with a great texture and really stands up to
however I marinate it or whatever I serve it with. Last week I did a
quick (10 minutes) marinade of sesame oil, soy, garlic and either lemon or
rice vinegar (can't remember). I've also used bbq-like ingredients:
hoisin, vinegar, onion. I've been meaning to try grilling it wrapped in
bacon but haven't gotten to that yet.

I like to do swordfish on the grill also, but it's a little pricey so I
don't buy it that often. I also ruined some beautiful swordfish steaks
from Citarella earlier this season. They got too soft from marinating -
I'm not sure how I miscalculated, but, whoops! Anyway, they were tasty and
the outside was crisp with lovely grill marks but the inside was soft.
Gag. ;O
