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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Canned wild rice

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2016-02-12 11:33 AM, Roy wrote:
>> On Friday, February 12, 2016 at 4:50:41 AM UTC-7, Julie Bove wrote:

>>>> I didnt. I speifically was talking Brown rice. Julie shifted
>>>> to address brown rice.
>>> Nonsense. We were talking about wild rice. I can't eat regular
>>> rice so I now eat wild rice. What I bought was the black,
>>> cultivated and some here told me that the brown *wild* rice is
>>> better tasting.

>> "I can't eat regular rice so I now eat wild rice."...hmmm, I was led
>> to believe that rice is pretty innocuous when it comes to food
>> intolerance's. Most people can digest it with no problems. =====

> Yep. Most normal people have no problem eating rice. She is definitely not
> normal. Don't worry. In a little while she will be posting about cooking
> and eating rice and deny that she ever said she could not eat it.

I will give you that. The way in which my body reacts to things is not
normal. Seems to run in the family. Not me but another family member had
an allergic reaction to an allergy pill. When I was younger, I had signs of
overdose from a single cold pill that at the time was a prescription item,
but no longer. I had to be carried out of work by a friend and taken to the
Dr. because it left me in such bad shape. Dr. sent me home to sleep it off
and it took a good 24 hours to get out of my system. And it used to be that
I had to avoid certain allergy meds as they would knock me flat for a good
48 hours. I would just sleep and sleep and sleep.

Then following my thyroid removal, I told the Dr. that I couldn't have
Vicodin as it made me very ill. He just chuckled and told me that I'd be
fine. I assumed that he meant he would give me something else. But no. I
didn't realize that was what they were giving me and it made me so very ill
that I wasn't making the connection that it was causing me to throw up and
hallucinate. Only after I saw the purple dragon flying through the room and
thinking that I saw my SIL throwing it chocolate chips to eat did I realize
that something just plain wasn't right. In fact it put me in such bad shape
that they could not let me leave the hospital. My breathing kept stopping.
One nurse yelled at me and told me to stop doing it. As if I was doing it
on purpose. She said whenever I relaxed, I had stopped breathing. Relax,
my eye! I think really it was more passing out and coming to. And there
were a lot more problems but I couldn't get them to listen to me because at
that point it was very difficult to speak and at best all I could do was

The Drs. I have been seeing for some time are well aware of my weird
reactions to meds and are cautious in prescribing them. But this surgeon
was new to me and apparently didn't believe me.