On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 11:20:28 AM UTC-6, Gary wrote:
> John Kuthe wrote:
> >
> > https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net...ab&oe=5770DDA5
> >
> > I made a big ole batch of my "baked beans" last evening, and right after the final cook I just put my big ole pressure cooker out in the non-climate controlled screen room (my BIG refrigerator/freezer depending on Mother Nature's mood) and this morning I had a nicely refrigerated batch of "baked beans"!! Portioned it up, put most in the inside refrigerator's freezer, and voila!! :-)
> How do you make your baked beans, John? Got a recipe?
I don't have a formal recipe, but I use 3.5 bags of dried beans (1/2lb black beans, 1lb each of large red kidney, garbanzos and black eyes peas) soaked 8-12 hours and rinsed well. Then I chop up 3 really big red onions and a whole head of garlic, fry up about 1/3lb good real bacon and precook/sweat the onions and garlic with some freshly ground black pepper in the bacon grease, boil the soaked beans for 15min to 1/2 hour, drain and refill with fresh hot water, add 5 beef boullion cubes and almost all of a 12oz can of tomato paste, 1/3 cup brown sugar and a tablespoon or two molasses, tablespoon or so of cayenne, couple of tablespoons of sweet paprika, tablespoon or two of ground black pepper, 4-8 big ole dried bay leaves, mix really well and start the final cook, add the sweated onions/garlic and crumble up the bacon and throw it in! Simmer for 15mins to 1/2 hour, and it's done!
John Kuthe...