On Wed, 17 Feb 2016 03:28:29 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
> For everybody who's never heard of jo jo's (which included me up until
> a minute ago), they're potatoes:
> <http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/09/have-you-heard-of-jojo-potatoes.html>
By "very Northern California", the writer must mean the part that
touches Oregon, and I question how popular they are in Oregon. My
brother has lived there for 20+ years and hasn't mentioned them.
Maybe they're popular in the high desert, but not along the coast.
Looking at recipes, I see it's supposed to be a truck stop delicacy.
I hate potatoes coated with something mysterious, but at least now I
understand the why various national chains think it's okay to serve
coated french fries. Maybe they'd taste better with ranch dressing,
but they aren't served that way and I don't like them well enough to
ask for a side of ranch. I substitute a salad if I can, and skip them
if I can't.