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Default Southern Broiled Pizza

I keep all of the heat out of the house for pizza. I cook it outside
in the
ceramic grill.
Sounds intriguing, but how do you make a 16" pie?
Also, You still need to heat up the broiler, to get an evenly cooked
product; right?
Might as well just stick it in the oven.
Congratulations! You just invented fried bread.

[1] Cooking outside is fine. But the post was for cookery inside...
[2] Get a 16" frypan - or a cast iron griddle that fits over 2
burners. Or just set up a production run of 2 frypans, swapping them
in and out, as needed.
[3] NO preheating necessary. The cast iron distributes bottom heat.
The top seems to cook very evenly. I usually start with my 10" pan,
then have the 8" waiting. I serve the first one, and have the second
cooked 2-3 minutes later. If I need another pie, I would reload #1,
and repeat procedure.
[4] I don't put shortening in the seasoned frypan, so it's not really
fried bread. The bottom crust is crispy but not like fried bread.