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"notbob" wrote:
> PENMART01 wrote:
> > I've never seen the Birdseye name on any canned foods... don't they only

> > frozen?

> I'm sure you are correct. I think I meant Green Giant.

When I was young, a local cannery packed produce for the Blue Boy label as
well as generic labels. We also had a processing plant that manufactured
foods for Ocean Spray, Kraft, Heinz, and many generic labels. I had friends
who worked in both plants who told me what I had long suspected: the lower
the label, the more crap that went in.

It's no different now. However I am VERY surprised to pick up a package of
high end name brand veggies and find it full of mush and stems. I don't pay
top dollar for crap. That's one of the reasons I can and freeze.

<I'll determine the quality of my own food, thanks very much>