I could not open my coffee can
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I could not open my coffee can
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> On Sun, 21 Feb 2016 13:15:08 -0800, "Paul M. Cook" >
> wrote:
> >It's been a hell of a day. I could not open my coffee can this morning.
> >The little tab you pull was too small for me to get a grip on it. My
> >fingers kept slipping. So finally out of total frustration I took a knife
> >and cut the cover off. Top it all off I scratched my finger on the edge of
> >the cover. That's the last can of Yuban I will ever buy. My attorney will
> >be sending them a letter tomorrow. I think my finger is infected. I'd go
> >to the urgent care but my cats can't drive me and I lost my glasses and I
> >broke my leg tripping over the kitchen matt. You know the ones that are
> >supposed to keep you from slipping? They'll be hearing from me. And the
> >thing is I don't even drink this brand of coffee. In fact I hate it. But
> >it was on sale so I got a case. I'll throw out what's left. My finger
> >really hurts. It's not a clean cut you get with a knife it's kind of
> >jagged. And now I have to feed the cats but I only have the one kind of dry
> >food which my Siamese and Tortoise Shell will eat but my black cat hates it.
> >He likes caned food but you know that is not good for their urinary track.
> >My tabby will eat anything - for a while. Then he decides he hates it and
> >won't touch it. And now my coffee is cold and I hate reheated coffee.
> >
> you came to the right place for this problem. . .
> Janet US
Wait a minute lady, he didn't ask for advice. Is your life so perfect,
HUH ? You're just jealous
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