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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default 12 year Gin Project

On 2016-02-23 5:21 PM, Je�us wrote:

>>> We had perfect G&T weather here yesterday, I would have really enjoyed
>>> one or three of those.

>> I don't drink much, but when I do, it has to be G&T

> It used to be my drink of choice circa 1993/94 when I last lived in
> the tropics. So refreshing. I don't get much desire to drink G&Ts in
> cold weather though.

I confess to having been turned off gin for a long time after
overexposure to martinis when I was about 16. I couldn't bear the
thought of gin for a number of years, but in my early 20s I had gin and
tonic in a tall glass with ice and a slice of lime on a hot summer day.
There is definitely a season for gin and tonic.

I usually drink my liquor straight, neat or on the rocks. Tonic water is
the the only thing I use as a mixer, and only with gin. However, I do
occasionally have a shot of gin on the rocks with a twist of lemon.