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>Dave Smith
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> >PENMART01 wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Asparagus don't go to seed...
>> >
>> >Asparagus doesn't go to seed??? Perhaps you should explain that to >the

>> who seed asparagus seed, or to the suckers who bought > it and started

>> asparagus plants.
>> Asparagus does not go to seed, ie. bolt, as does lettuce, cabbage, basil,

>> Asparagus is most typically grown from "crowns". Asparagus can be grown

>> seed but is hardly worth the effort as the results are typically dismal,

>> the seeds first need to produce crowns, and then their sex must be

>> In any event asparagus spears (the edible portion) does not go to
>> seed. Asparagus spears are produced only from male plants and male plants

>> not produce seed...try to ingest that.

>Just where the hell do you think they get the seeds that, as you admit, can
>planted? I am quite aware of the fact that most people who grow their own
>asparagus start with roots. The roots they plant come from nurseries who
>them from seed.
>Asparagus grows wild around here. I have grown asparagus in my garden,
>with roots from a nursery. There is no question that it is better to start
>year old roots than to plant seeds. Oddly, there are always some stalks that
>up too straggly to be cut for dinner. Left uncut, those plants develop little
>round seeds.
>People who wish to grow their own strawberries usually buy strawberry plants.
>those things take root they start to sending out rhizomes to create new
>Yet, the strawberry plant produces seeds. Farmers and home gardeners rarely
>seed to start their plants, preferring to buy established plants and
>Similarly, there is a tremendous market for raspberry canes. It is the
>and easiest way to establish enough plants to get a decent crop. For some
>raspberries also produce their own seed.
>For some reason, who would have us believe that asparagus does not go to
>seed, but
>I have seen enough asparagus that has gone to seed to know that, once again,
>are wrong.

No, I am 100% correct. You simply possess ZERO knowlege about SEX and most
everything else... and I mean that in all sincerity. You are about the most
ignorant poster ever to grace rfc... only a few webtv'ers are dumber than you.

When asparagus seed is planted it takes one year for the seed to produce
crowns. About half the crowns produced are male and half are female. The
female crowns only, produce seed. The male crowns only, produce asparagus
spears... asparagus spears are truly male, gals... they have no female parts.
People who insist on growing asparagus from seed (cheap *******s - male crowns
cost much more than a packet of seed) need to wait and watch to determine the
sex of each crown produced. Then they need to separate the crowns, usually
discarding the female crowns (unless one is in the asparagus seed business).
I'm sure by now all normal folks get it... but obviously not you, Dave Smith,
you midget IQ ****wit. Asparagus spears don't go to seed, nor do the crowns
that produce them, they can't... male crowns have no ovarys you Dave *dumber
than shit* Smith *******!

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