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On 2004-08-25, PENMART01 > wrote:

> significantly lesser quality, that's where the poorer crops are used... the

I've already stated this. My point is, when a line is running, they don't
change anything but the label. I suppose a processor could run some good
crops through a plant for a hi-q label, then go out and buy some crappola
crops and run them through the same line for a lesser label, but there would
not be "more crap" in the substandard brand. The line will inspect, clean,
grade, chop, etc, low-q produce just as good as it does the hi-q stuff.
It's not like someone says, "Hey, we're running Dirtbag Beets, turn off a
couple washers!" or "Kinda Krapy Corn is running today, you can smoke on the
line and scratch your butt". If the processing plant sucks and lets crap
through, all its output will suck, no matter the crop-q or label level (WETF
that is!).
