On Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:01:27 -0600, Sqwertz >
>On Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:23:22 +1100, Jeßus wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:21:56 +1100, Bruce > wrote:
>>>On Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:30:07 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:49:09 +1100, Bruce > wrote:
>>>>>On Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:36:34 -0600, Sqwertz >
>>>>>>Don't forget Ophelia - their token female cohort.
>>>>>>It's uncanny how those two took over the roles of Barbara and Casa
>>>>>You're repeating yourself.
>>>>More like some really lame trolling. I can't see any connection
>>>>between you and Jeffrey boner. Same with barbara, no similarities at
>>>>all. But then they already know that.
>>>I don't know what he's on about. I think he misses the attention of
>>>his enemy. Jeffrey Something = Casa Boner, is that certain?
>> Certain? Not 100%, but long story short, it seems it is. As is the
>> surname and address that goes with it. They do miss their so-called
>> enemy, as you say, despite any protestations to the contrary. Or to be
>> more accurate, they like to have somebody - anybody - to be in
>> conflict with at all times.
><yawn> Yeah, that's why I've had boner voluntarily killfiled for the
>last 2+ years. Because I miss him. Yeah, that's some brilliant
>logic. You're even taking on the characteristics of Bruce - trying to
>start press buttons because you don't have anything else constructive
>to do <yawn again>.
You've got me killfiled too, yet you can't stop bitching about me
>Isn't it about time for another round of senseless forging from you
>two Australians? Get a room and you can pontificate your next moves.
I never forge nuttin'.