Where were you 40 years ago today?
I was living in Lubbock, Texas with husband and 3 children. That day, my
oldest was at school (1st grade), and the others were playing. I was setting
my hair (thank God THOSE days are gone!), and had one side set. The TV was
on - just background noise. Then Walter Cronkite made the first
announcement. The other side of my hair never got set.
Thirty minutes later, my first-grader walked in the door, a little confused.
She knew it was too early for school to be out. An hour later my husband, a
salesman, walked in the door.
My first thought was that the right-wing segregationists had killed him. I
was so sure of this that I was shocked when Oswald's background came out. I
guess it depended on where you stood politically. I now live in a very
conservative area and our newspaper quoted a number of people this morning
who said their first thought was communists.
There was no way to get away from it that weekend. Remember that most of the
country had only the 3 television channels. That was all that was on TV, and
all radio stations played mournful, classical music. Finally, on Sunday
morning, although we weren't regular churchgoers, we went to church just to
get away from the tension. And you know what happened while we were there.