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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Miss Conduct on being a guest and cost of eating out

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 3/3/2016 11:43 AM, MaryL wrote:
>> Are you sure that your hosts enjoy cooking? They may have a "great
>> kitchen," but some people are embarrassed about cooking for guests while
>> others enjoy it. I also have some friends who do not want to cook when
>> they have guests because they prefer spending the time visiting. I do
>> think it would be appropriate to suggest that you opt for less expensive
>> restaurants.
>> MaryL

> Well, Leona was quoting from an article. I watch 'House Hunters' on HGTV.
> Seems like lots of people want the latest greatest kitchens but they don't
> actually use them. (I've got some neighbors like that.)
> True, not everyone is a great cook nor do they want to cook. I would
> suggest a different restaurant if I felt it was over budget.

Yep. I know people who are going to sell their house so are renovating.
They're going to put in granite countertops. I said that they might want to
rethink this. They don't cook. They assume that those of us who do, would
want them. Granite countertops are not going to change the fact that the
house is in a neighborhood with other 1980's cheaply built houses.