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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Miss Conduct on being a guest and cost of eating out

In article >, says...
> "Janet" > wrote in message
> t...
> > In article >,
> >>
> >> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >> > On 3/3/2016 11:52 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Well, Leona was quoting from an article. I watch 'House Hunters' on
> >> >> HGTV. Seems like lots of people want the latest greatest kitchens but
> >> >> they don't actually use them. (I've got some neighbors like that.)
> >> >>
> >> >> True, not everyone is a great cook nor do they want to cook. I would
> >> >> suggest a different restaurant if I felt it was over budget.
> >> >>
> >> >> Jill
> >> >
> >> > Or pick up a bucket of KFC or a bag of burgers. While we enjoy going
> >> > to
> >> > dinner with friends, we enjoy just spending time with them even more.
> >> > They
> >> > just have to speak up and with real friends you can do that.
> >>
> >> I love to cook but I hate doing the dishes. And if you have people
> >> staying
> >> over, you'll eventually have to do that while they are there. You can
> >> only
> >> put this off for so long. That cuts into visiting time.

> >
> > Whatever kind of friends or family don't offer to help in the kitchen
> > when they're staying over?
> >
> > while they're helping cook or wash up you can still socialise.

> Ha! Not in *my* kitchen. Only one person will fit comfortably. Get two in
> there and it can be a battle. You have to carefully orchestrate things or
> one person gets trapped at the stove end, unable to move.
> And maybe it is common to help in the kitchen where you are at.

Absolutely. Tonight one of my neighbours is making dinner for ten of
us; she's 82. She will do all the cooking and set a pretty table. The
rest of us will all help her serve and clear away, and before we go home
we'll wash and dry the dishes (men and women).

I don't
> know. My mom hated other people to be in her kitchen so mostly they just
> weren't. She did have a nurse friend who always came over at dinner time
> and kept insisting on cooking for us. And my mom did let her do this a few
> times. But the woman was a horrible cook and everything she made was
> inedible. So my mom put her foot down there too.

I love it when anybody else wants to cook in my kitchen :-) especially
when their food is something new to me. I've had guests teach me to make
sushi, pasta, Thai cooking, and all sorts of new recipes. If they can't
cook they can pour drinks.

Ever since they could stand on a chair, our kids and now theirs help in
the kitchen and it doesn't matter how long it takes or how much mess.
Even tots can scrub potatoes, pod peas, roll pastry, set the table.

> I know that some people here have cook alongs and such. Something like that
> to me would be potential for nightmare. Not something I'd want to do. It's
> all a moot point for me anyway. We have a small house and we don't have
> people stay over, except for Angela's friends and they all sleep in her
> room. We have no extra room or extra beds.

Gawd, you'd hate my family, where a single bed isn't considered full
until there are two adults sardined into it; a double can hold at least
four kids, some at the top and some at the bottom; all the sofas are
long enough to sleep on. The overflow sleep on the floor; or bring a
> And I don't know of anyone who
> might come from a ways off to spend the night.

That's really sad.

Janet UK