Dinner tonight if I have the energy, otherwise tomorrow
Cindy wrote:
>graham wrote:
>>sf wrote:
>> >Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> >
>> >> I grocery-shopped yesterday, and had leftover lentil and cabbage soup
>> >> after I came home. Part of a big batch that I made one Sunday and
>> >> then froze in portions. With a little bit of cheese, so I could
>> >> feel like it was a complete meal. (Often, I don't feel like it's
>> >> a meal unless it has two different dishes, or at least something
>> >> like salad and bread. That's probably why I don't like casseroles.)
>> >
>> > I've come to the conclusion that's my problem too. If I make a
>> > casserole (once in a blue moon), I need to have a salad with it or it
>> > doesn't feel like a meal to me.
>> >
>> Really?
>> Salads are for summer!
>> Graham
>Perhaps for you. Salads are for all year round for me. Tonight's
>dinner will probably be a salad with grilled chicken breast and
>sun-dried tomato vinaigrette.
>Cindy Hamilton
For me salads are for any time of year and I prepare salads that are
an entire meal... could be upwards of 30-40 different ingredients; a
dozen different veggies, with marinated beans, potato salad, pasta
salad, various luncheon meats, an assortment of cheeses, hard cooked
eggs, crutons, nuts, seeds, and twigs... even pickled beets. I don't
think I've ever eaten a hot casserole with a cold salad... closest
would be baked franks n' beans with sides of coleslaw or kraut and