Miss Conduct on being a guest and cost of eating out
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Miss Conduct on being a guest and cost of eating out
In article >,
> On 3/5/2016 1:39 PM, Janet wrote:
> >
> > Absolutely. Tonight one of my neighbours is making dinner for ten of
> > us; she's 82. She will do all the cooking and set a pretty table. The
> > rest of us will all help her serve and clear away, and before we go home
> > we'll wash and dry the dishes (men and women).
> Sounds like a lovely evening! I'll bring a couple of bottles of wine if
> you invite me.
Your plane was late :-)
We had a good time. She made; (all from scratch and all delicious)
A cider baked ham
asparagus quiche
Egg salad (one of the other neighbours is a vegetarian)
green salad,
a tomato salad
apple pie
fresh fruit salad
I hope I have her energy when I'm 82.
This morning she sent me the yummy meatloaf recipe, which she served
cold and very finely sliced; I'd never seen ml cooked this way before
and it was very good.
she shapes the mixture (ground beef, bacon, crumbs, seasoning and an
egg) into a roll; wraps it tightly in greaseproof paper then an outer
layer of foil and ties it with string. Then put it in a pan pof water
and simmer for four hours.
Janet UK
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