Pies in advance?
Between now and Thursday you should be okay if you keep your pies wrapped up
and refrigerated. Do you have a cooler that they will fit in for travel?
Keep them chilled and they should be fine. Depends on how much time you
have in the meantime as to how soon you can make them.
"Erica" > wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am road-tripping from Florida to Tennessee for Thanksgiving on
> Wednesday evening. I am planning on bringing a pecan pie and a Dutch
> apple crisp, both homemade. How far can I make these in advance? Are
> there any elements (i.e. pie crust, pie crust dough, apple filling,
> streusel, etc.) that can be made in advance if the pastries themselves
> cannot? Just looking for someone who has more experience with this
> sort of thing than I...thanks!
> --Erica