Thread: Corned beef
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Default Corned beef

On Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 3:49:26 AM UTC-5, Ophelia wrote:
> <lenona> wrote in message

> >

> >
> >
> > Um, once you click on the link, just scroll upwards a little. What did you
> > see when you clicked?

> A book for sale.
> --

Did anyone ELSE really have that problem? That part only took up a tiny amount of space on the left, when *I* clicked on it. Most of the page was blank space with the recipe page in the middle - which is what ALWAYS happens in Google Books! (Unless all they have is "snippets," for a particular book, which was not the case here.)

Anyway, the recipe was (with a little editing):

1. 1 can corned beef (not cb hash)
2. 1 can tomatoes
3. 3 medium potatoes (cubed)
4. 1 large chopped onion
5. 1 teaspoon sugar
6. 2 slices fatback (again, I just used bacon)
7. 1 bayleaf

Fry 4 and 6 till limp. Add 3 and fry, stirring, till brown. Add 1, 2, 5, 7. Salt and pepper to taste and serve with grits or rice.

Again, I loved it.

BTW, the Jail-House Chili includes 3 lbs. diced beef, 6 Tbs. chili powder, 3 Tbs. paprika, 1 tsp. red pepper, and cornmeal. Plus about 8 more ingredients.
