Thread: Corned beef
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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default Corned beef

On 11/03/2016 10:04 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/11/2016 11:47 AM, graham wrote:
>> On 11/03/2016 8:49 AM, Janet B wrote:
>>>>> I think canned/or corned beef with cream gravy would be a lot like
>>>>> chipped beef and gravy, nothing wrong if someone likes it.
>>>>> Cheri
>>>> Hmmm... cream gravy, maybe. The thought of putting any type of
>>>> gravy on
>>>> corned beef never occurred to me.
>>>> Jill
>>> I make a casserole with canned corned beef. The sauce is a white
>>> sauce with Dijon mustard. That tastes pretty good. I think fresh
>>> cooked corned beef is much stronger tasting than the canned stuff
>>> Janet US


> Sorry to hear about your upcoming eye surgery, Janet. Hope the fix
> turns out well and quick recovery!
>> What about corned beef hash? I'm sure I was served it made with canned
>> CB many, many years ago but have never felt the need to make it:-)

> Corned beef hash is certainly one way to use up leftovers. I know they
> sell cans of it.
> Me, I just slice up the cooked corned beef brisket. After I've eaten
> enough to satisfy the corned beef craving, I package up and freeze the
> leftover slices of beef. I also usually freeze the cooked cabbage.
> You'd be surprised, cooked cabbage freezes very nicely. Homemade
> freezer meals that don't involve turning it into hash.
> Jill

I like it cold in sandwiches. When I was young, we always bought a ~7lb
piece of salt beef at easter and xmas prepared by the village butcher.
Mum simmered it for hours and we always ate it cold. His Suffolk
Sweet-Cure Hams were famous and he supplied Harrods of London.