Thread: Corned beef
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dsi1[_20_] dsi1[_20_] is offline
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Default Corned beef

On 3/12/2016 9:09 AM, Janet B wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Mar 2016 09:19:23 -0800 (PST), dsi1 >
> wrote:
>> On Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 5:02:33 AM UTC-10, Janet B wrote:
>>> On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 21:37:41 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 08:49:24 -0700, Janet B >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I make a casserole with canned corned beef. The sauce is a white
>>>>> sauce with Dijon mustard. That tastes pretty good. I think fresh
>>>>> cooked corned beef is much stronger tasting than the canned stuff
>>>>> Janet US
>>>> I've only heard about corned beef hash and canned ham. Never whole
>>>> canned corned beef if that, in fact, is the subject. Why buy it?
>>>> Sounds as awful as canned corned beef hash.
>>> Different strokes -- different folks. I first bought it many years
>>> ago so that I could make this casserole. I could tell by reading the
>>> recipe that the flavors and mouth feel would be something that I would
>>> like. Roughly like scalloped potatoes and chopped cabbage in a white
>>> sauce made with mustard and layered with the corned beef. The canned
>>> corned beef (not corned beef hash) that I buy comes from New Zealand
>>> or Australia and is chunks at the very least. It's in the
>>> International aisle. I won't buy the US stuff because they have
>>> processed it to where it is something like pasty baloney.
>>> Janet US

>> That canned corned beef tastes like pasty, salty, baloney. It's shockingly bad stuff. The Palm brand corned beef however, is pretty good - it's the favorite brand of Samoa, and an island of Samoans can't be wrong! Well they might be but I certainly won't be the one to tell them.

> Palm is the brand that I get.
> Janet US

If North Korea nukes Hawaii and there are survivors, you can bet Palm
brand corned beef is gonna be the most valuable commodity on this rock.
Until that day comes, we can occasionally buy cans of the stuff for
$3.50 on sale! Thank you, Lord!