Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > I almost feel as if I made that up, because what does someone need
> > with one leaf of cabbage?
> Leaving aside the business of how one would buy a single leaf of
> cabbage, there are plenty of uses for one. I live in a 2-person
> household and have in the past lived by myself. Buying small enough
> portions to cook fresh at each meal is a challenge.
Hey, I know that. I never get through a whole cabbage. That is the
problem with buying all the separate ingredients you would want for
a salad. Geez, talk about rotting produce, that's what the salad
bar is good for, I can get 'some' of certain ingredients, not a whole
bunch I will wind up throwing out.
But even I can get through more than ONE leaf of cabbage. Especially
as I usually throw out the outer leaves, they're scruffy.
> No, I never bought a single leaf of cabbage, but it always crossed my
> mind that it would be nice if I could.
Hey, go for it. (laugh) Wonder what the produce manager will think
of that. Report back.