Agnes7777 wrote:
> >From: "Tank"
> >
> >This year, I have noticed a number of grocery
> >stores placing trash cans next to their sweet
> >corn displays. This is for those people who
> >feel it necessary to strip their corn there in
> >the store. Are they placed there because the
> >stores are knuckling under to rude people who
> >peel back the ears to check them? What happened
> >to being able to judge an ear without destroying
> >it? What happened to simply taking the luck of
> >the draw with your produce, as the human race
> >has for thousands of years?
> >
> >Am I the only person who dislikes this trend?
> >
> >--
> >Tank
> Nope.
> I've always seen folks pull back husks to check quality, but this was the first
> year I ever saw folks actually shucking their corn at the grocery store. There
> was no trash can. We had to wait to reach the corn bin because the pair
> (father and daughter) stood directly in front of it and took about 10 minutes
> to shuck 2 dozen ears, tossing the shucks and silk and stems on the floor and
> back into the pile of ears.
> When we asked the produce dept. guy what was up with those folks shucking their
> corn in the grocery store, he said it was a regional thing or something.
> It would have been less annoying if there'd been a trash can around...
I'm thinking it was pure cheapness - didn't want to pay for
the husks - I'm assuming it was being sold by weight. If it
was being sold by ear then there's no excuse. The produce
people should have said something to them. I'm cheap as the
next guy but I would draw the line at shucking the corn in
the store. I do sometimes pull off really big, nasty, unusable
outer leaves from heads of cabbage that haven't been too well
"trimmed" - don't want to pay for that! But corn? I would leave
the husks on if for no other reason that to protect the kernels
until I got it home to cook it.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?