Steve Calvin wrote:
> notbob wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > Now, I buy bacon based on price. With bacon running around $6 lb, I won't
> > buy unless it's on sale in the $3-4 range. So, when Bar S has a sale on
> > bacon, like they did last week, I have no qualms whatsoever about going
> > through half a dozen or more packages, ripping flaps like crazy till I find
> > a good lb of bacon. Sure, I leave a trail of violated and strewn bacon
> > packages but that's just too damn bad. If they want the packages to stay
> > pristine, they'll remove the removable flaps so I don't have to. I guess
> > they figure most folks, like those who will not pick and choose in produce,
> > are afraid to rip those flaps off. Sorry Charlie. I be rippin'!
> >
> > nb
> I gave up on pre-packaged bacon. I'm lucky enough to have an
> "old-time" butcher in my area and buy slab bacon. They'll either
> slice it to my specs. or "whack" me off a hunk and I'll slice it when
> I get home. Cost more? Yup. Worth it? Absolutely.
I've been forced by the higher costs to buy packaged bacon.
The good slab bacon in the deli is now over $4 a pound. I wait
for sales and then buy say 2 lbs. for $5 of the cheaper packaged
bacon. The big complaint I have about that stuff is that it is
sliced way too thin. That's why I always used to buy the deli
bacon as it was sliced thick. Also, it had much less water
injected into it. Anyway, those viewing flaps are a major
pain in the but. I do the same thing as nb. I like my bacon
with a goodly amount of meat on it so I ransack the whole display
looking for acceptable amounts of meat. Looks like a tornade
hit when I'm done. Why can't they just have the windows without
the stupid flaps? I mean, they already have a flapless window
on the front of the package so why the stupid flaps that you
have to tear open in the back? Makes no sense at all.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?