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  #172 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>I'm thinking it was pure cheapness - didn't want to pay for
>the husks - I'm assuming it was being sold by weight. If it
>was being sold by ear then there's no excuse. The produce
>people should have said something to them. I'm cheap as the
>next guy but I would draw the line at shucking the corn in
>the store. I do sometimes pull off really big, nasty, unusable
>outer leaves from heads of cabbage that haven't been too well
>"trimmed" - don't want to pay for that! But corn? I would leave
>the husks on if for no other reason that to protect the kernels
>until I got it home to cook it.

Nowhere in the US has unhusked sweet corn ever been sold by weight... it's sold
either by count or by volume (bushel). Stupidmarkets encourage folks to husk
their corn at the store, otherwise they'll husk it out in the parking lot,
leaving the husks in the shopping carts. I always break off the end and remove
some of the husks, otherwise a dozen ears won't fit into those plastic bags....
and the pointy ends would rip the bag open.

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