Pies in advance?
"Erica" > wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am road-tripping from Florida to Tennessee for Thanksgiving on
> Wednesday evening. I am planning on bringing a pecan pie and a Dutch
> apple crisp, both homemade. How far can I make these in advance? Are
> there any elements (i.e. pie crust, pie crust dough, apple filling,
> streusel, etc.) that can be made in advance if the pastries themselves
> cannot? Just looking for someone who has more experience with this
> sort of thing than I...thanks!
> --Erica
You can make your raw pastry a day in advance of baking. Wrap it well in
plastic wrap and refrigerate it. Take it out about 1/2 hour before rolling
it out to let it become a little flexible. I'm not sure if you can roll out
the dough and place in pan and refrigerate. I would be concerned about it
drying out.