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"Tony Lew" > wrote in message
> "Bob (this one)" > wrote in message

> > Tony Lew wrote:
> > > Now can you explain why "Hermione" is pronounced her-MAI-nee ?

> >
> > It isn't by anyone who actually speaks English. It's her-my-oh-nee.

> So no one in the Harry Potter movies speak English?

It's been a while, but seems to me that Hermione was pronounced properly in
"Philosopher Stone". I haven't seen the other movies but part of the plot
in book 4 "Goblet of Fire" revolves around one of the characters (Victor
Krum) never pronouncing it correctly and Hermione trying to teach him. Did
Victor crop up in the 2nd & 3rd movies?

JK used that plot to teach readers how to pronounce it since that was one of
the most frequently asked questions.
