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  #178 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>> At the stores I go to, it wouldn't make any difference. Broccoli is
>> either sold by the bunch with full stems, or crowns by the pound.

>Put them on the scale. See which one works out more per pound.

But you'd also need to calculate loss due to waste... even though crowns cost
more per pound there is essentially no waste, therefore typically a better buy,
but only superfically... ya see, crowns are from old broccoli, they're the
salvaged portion from partially rotted or otherwise damaged whole bunches... do
you really think the greengrocer laboriously cuts off the crowns from perfectly
good whole broccoli.

So haw many of yoose hack off the stems and toss em in the trash and how many
pare away the tough stringy portion and use the tender stem hearts.

Btw, broccoli is very easy to grow... this year I planted a purple variety.

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